News Item 1
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GeM tender for Air conditioner system.

.GeM-Bidding AC.pdf

GeM tender for CCTV system

CCTV bid.pdf

GeM tender for supply of Electrical Engg Machinery and Equipments.


 E-tender (through GeM Portal) under two-bid system from eligible Manpower Service providers for providing Security Guards/Chowkidars


1.GeM tender for supply of Workshop equipments.

GeM-Bidding-4366916 workshop.pdf

Circular on Newspaper.jpg

Circular for GeM Tender.pdf

1.GeM tender for supply of Civil Lab equipments.


2.Supply of Books to Government Polytechnic College Ganderbal.


3.GeM-Bidding-DG Material.pdf

2. E-tender (through GeM Portal) under two-bid system from eligible Manpower Service providers for providing Security Guards/Chowkidars for GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE GANDERBAL for an initial period of one year (extendable for further period of one year) with mutual consent of both parties is invited. Requirement/eligibility criteria Terms and Conditions of the contract have been clarified in the additional documents. Tender document (including additional documents) is available online at GeM Portal as well as on the website of GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE GANDERBAL.i.e. are advised to read tender document (uploaded on website and on GeM portal) and check their eligibility before participating in the bid.

Value of Contract: Approximately - Rs.2,26,776 /- (Rupees two lakhs twenty six thousand seven hundred and seventy six rupees only.

security contract.pdf