Academic Calendar:
The Institution is affiliated to the J&K Board of Technical Education (JKBOTE) and follows Semester System. The academic calendar commences within a week after the admissions are complete. The examinations are conducted by J&K BOTE in May/June and November/December session every year.
Two Internal Assessment/Sessional tests for all theory and practical are conducted and the internal assessment is awarded on the basis of these tests. For appearing in the final examination, the students is required to have more than 75% of the attendance in each subject and minimum 50% marks in the internal assessment tests conducted by the Institution.
Tentative Schedule for Internal Tests is:
1. Internal Sessional Test – I after 7 weeks
2. Internal Sessional Test – II after 15 weeks
The students are required to submit the Examination Form after first Sessional test. Mere filling of the Examination Form does not give the right to the students to appear in the Final Examination but students will be allowed to appear in the Final Examination after completing all other requisite formalities of J&K BOTE. The Roll Number to the students are issued, only after the completion of the semester, and to those students who have 75% of attendance and have passed at least one of the Internal Test. Even if the student appears in the final examination, his all the papers are cancelled if he/she fails in sessional marks.
Academic Calendar copy provided from JKBOTE: